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Writer's pictureDebra Holt

Happy Fall one and all!

Leaves are turning, there is a cool, crispness on the breeze that crosses over the broad plains of the Panhandle region and down across my home on the South Plains/Caprock plateau of Texas. The land is very dry and the cotton fields are in need of a thirst-quencher. While portions of our coastline on the Gulf of Mexico have received copious amounts of rain of late…reaching into the Hill Country and beyond…we have not.

Whether you have had the dryness or the drenching or something in between, the seasons have changed once again. This year will end in another three months. It has not been the best of years, for many horrible reasons. But I send my sincere hope that each of you and those you love have managed to endure and will look hopefully toward the future to come.

That being said, it is time to bring you up-to-date on the view from my front porch. I introduced you last time to the birds that have taken over my life from the window of my “remote, home-based office” while I attempt to keep COVID away from our lives and still maintain my day job. We have survived that nightmare so far. That is why I enjoy the birds who remind me that life carries on and smiles do come and we should enjoy them.

Robbie and Rosie, the robins, have taught me there is a hierarchy observed at the bird bath I managed to build them in my front yard. Each evening, in the hour before sundown, the blue jays…Billy and Bobbie…arrive and have their baths. Then, it is Robbie and Rosie’s turns. They do not share. If a hapless dove or other species shows up and dares to attempt to join in, then Robbie will take his wings and churn the waters and soak the offending birds until they leave. Once he and Rosie are done, then others may have their turns. Doves are always the last to enjoy baths. And then it is my duty to replenish the waters for the next day.

When my day job ends each day, I am busy with attending webinars online from my publisher and fellow authors or writing on the present series that will be done soon.

Latest Writing Updates Keep an eye on my Facebook page to see updates on that. In addition to that, you can join Deb's Dream Team to be the first to hear about new books, sales, giveaways, and more. Come along and meet those super-hot lawmen…Beware the Ranger, The Lawman’s Apache Moon, Along Came a Ranger. Then look toward the holidays with The Sheriff’s Christmas Angels. In November, look for Mercy’s Rescue to bring in the month of giving thanks. And Christmas will have The Sheriff’s Christmas Angels to bring the spirit of the season in the romance department.

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