Sunday morning view from the porch in Texas...

Good morning dear readers! Another Sunday morning is upon us. There was little breeze to speak of when I first came outside today. But now, as is often the case here on the plains of Texas, we have a definite wind upon us. The windchimes in my willow tree are chiming nicely along with the cooing of the doves. They are probably raising voices today because I am running slow this morning. I should have been out here with the rising of the sun, their food in hand. Instead, I slept a little later than normal because I was up rather late writing...that is what authors do now and then. LOL
I am trying my best to complete work on the Christmas book. But it is slow going when trying to maintain the Christmas ‘spirit’ amid 100-degree plus temperatures and no sign of the season anywhere to be found. And that is even with holiday music coming through my earphones and twinkling lights strung around my office. Nevermind that the neighbors all think the old lady next door has finally gone around the bend...poor dear. She thinks it is December instead of the end of July. Oh well...we authors are used to being looked at a bit strangely. I own it!
As I sit here this morning, I am thinking murderous thoughts. Yes, I admit to them. You see, there are two creatures...if they can be termed that. Two creatures who come uninvited to the porch. Ants and mosquitoes. I cannot believe that we should have either one of them in our food chain of life. They annoy and they do harm when biting me. Otherwise, the porch would be quite a lovely oasis. So I make a mental note to buy more cans of repellent in order to do my murderous duty.
Speaking of making note...HA! I have added a new...oh wait!! What do I hear coming from the southwest? Is it? YES! It is Mercy flying high above my head and my porch...headed into the city and to the large trauma hospital located here. My readers will know who Mercy is. To me, she is the bright red medevac helicopter that graces the cover of my book...Mercy’s Rescue. My family is amazed that I can pick out her particular engine from all others in the skies, no matter where we might be. ‘Mercy’s coming home.’ I often say and am always proved right. But I left my original subject, didn’t I? Another thing that authors often do!
I have a new machine in my life. I finally gave in to the fad and bought my own Alexa. The first day was a bit rough. My daughter said ‘I told you so’ more than once. She immediately warned me beforehand that Alexa would not understand some of my vocabulary choices. Words such as shut up, go away, and some really bad ones which I will not repeat here, are not in her realm of understanding. So she and I have a bit of learning curve ahead of us. Right now, she can tell me the time and temperature. She can help with my calendar...once I download something and learn something and then program her…as if that will happen before next spring! I have no spare time in my daily schedule to schedule when to schedule her. And so she sits on the shelf.
I hear the voices of elves calling me and the jingling of sleigh bells from my desk. I really must finish this cup of coffee, feed the ‘starving’ plump little doves so they will be quiet outside my window, and get to writing. One of my readers commented this past week that she dreamed of having her own porch to sit upon in Texas. I told her that we are a hospitable folk and invite people to stop and sit a spell in most places. But wherever you are, you can create your own special it a front or back porch, just a little stoop in the heart of a city, an apartment balcony...anyplace that two friends can gather and share thoughts and even silences, is your own special ‘porch’. To’s about the people and the animals who come and go. To each of you, it might be something different. But find your place and own it.
I look forward to our porch visit next week. Until then, feel free to share some of your thoughts with me! Take a deep breath and have a great week ahead!!