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Writer's pictureDebra Holt

Goin' Band from Raiderland and Writing Time

September, 2018

Hi all…

It’s that time of year again. My day job is all-consuming in so many ways. Fall is football and for those of you who do not know, I take care of a major university’s marching band, plus other musical ensembles throughout the year. That means I plan their trips from beginning to end (hotels, transport, meals, first aid needs, all things logistical).

I love the students, so while it is crazy busy for one person and four hundred students, it is never dull! But that also means I have little time at home and even a smaller amount of time to sit down and write my books. Luckily, I have a couple of people who help me keep the social media needs and creative logistics of my writing moving along and allow me to take care of work needs.

I know many of you are experienced in the need to juggle many aspects of your daily lives. Are we crazy or gluttons for punishment? Or maybe it is because we secretly enjoy what we do and wouldn’t know what else to do with our time? LOL

In the midst of all this, life threw a real curve ball to our family. We experienced an unexpected death in the family that has left everyone reeling, trying to grasp why it happened and why now? I know we won’t have the answers we want, but it is human nature to ask why. I’ll write more about this loss of a very special young man later, when time has given more perspective.

Life has many curve balls to toss at us. We can only hope and pray we are strong enough to withstand them… and fast enough to duck out of their way! In the meantime, make sure you hug your loved ones each day and let them know how much they mean to you.

And on that note, I must return to work. I can tell you that I am working also on completing the second book… Jaz’s story… in the sister trilogy… Sisters of the Yellow Rose. I hope you have read the first book, Waltz with Me, Cowboy and enjoyed meeting Calla Rose. As always, I value your time and your input.

Happy reading!


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