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Writer's pictureDebra Holt

March 11th Journal

March 11, 2018

Hello all,

It’s been a whirlwind that never ends in my world of late. It has kept me from doing all the writing on my latest books as much as I want and need to, and it has affected health and so many other issues. Have you noticed that sometimes it can feel as if an octopus has you in its many tentacles and pulling you here and there at same time? Well, that’s what I am experiencing of late. I welcome suggestions on ways you have coped with like issues. Taking it one day, one step at a time is fine, but it certainly puts a person behind in accomplishing anything.

Some wonderful news… I have seen the first Bluebonnet of the season! That means spring is coming… my most favorite season of the year. I have the yearning to head south to the hills of Texas and breathe in the air and dip my toes in the cold waters of the Frio and Guadalupe Rivers. To have my brain aired out of all the garbage of late in my life and become renewed in my writing energy. I will hit that Bluebonnet trail in April, to renew and recharge.

Books and more books…they are coming your way. There is one book that seems to be taking forever to launch and many of you have waited patiently for this the last of the Cartwright series. The publisher tells me soon so once I know date… you will know! In another blog, I will introduce you to the series that I have a special place in my heart for and will launch in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!

I hope to have time today to plant some bulbs that have been begging to get into the ground… elephant ears and caladiums. My roses are begging for attention also. Could there be a few more hours in the day, please?

Has anyone had any luck in growing morning glories from seedlings? If you have any advice, please share it!

With the advent of Daylight Savings today, I feel as if already behind. I will wrap this blog up now but will be back soon with that promised news of the latest series. Have a wonderful and peaceful Sunday one and all.


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