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Writer's pictureDebra Holt


October 23, 2017

It’s LAUNCH DAY!!!! I love these days. It is when my baby that I slaved over for months from writing, to editing, to re-writing, to editing, to publishing, to promotion has finally taken flight into the world of readers. Usually by this point in the publishing timeline, I have moved on to work on the second book already or even the third. So it is nice to take a pause and revisit ‘old friends’ from a past story.

This story is extra special because it is my first Christmas romance. I love Christmas and wanted to bring some of that magic to the pages of my book. I look forward to what readers have to say about my latest published work. I can already tell you that I have begun work on my next Christmas book for the coming year. I’m not sure where my characters are taking me in this one, but it is already fun.

Keeping this short today as I am visiting some social media sites to help launch my newest book to the world. Take some time for yourself today or this weekend… grab some hot chocolate (or a tall glass of sweet iced tea if the weather hasn’t read the calendar yet where you are)… settle in a comfy chair or porch swing and enjoy a bit of early yuletide with The Sheriff’s Christmas Angels!


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