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  • Writer's pictureDebra Holt

Happy Fall!

How many people love Fall? I do! (I only love Spring more.) But Fall brings cooler weather, leaves turning to golden autumn colors, the smell of fireplaces firing up for the season, pumpkins appearing on doorsteps, and corn maze fun. Most of that appears in the pages of one of my books.

In my little corner of Texas, and we know that isn’t such a little corner by Texas standards… we have very few trees that turn colors, and while it is 60 degrees today, we can count on it being in the high 80’s tomorrow. But I will put out the pumpkins and sip the hot chocolate anyway. And look forward to going to the corn maze with my family and friends.

October is my birthday month and we will celebrate it with my very first Christmas book being launched on the 23rd of the month! I am excited!! It’s a sweet story that takes us back to McKenna Springs where there is a little girl and her dad who need some Christmas angel magic.

There are also some awesome gifts in store for my next giveaway to go along with this launch. I hope you share the news with family and friends on your social media lists… the more the better to join in the launch and giveaway.

Before I sign off, I want to say a huge THANKS to each person who read any of my books these past few months and then posted a review on Amazon. Authors need those reviews. Your review can help our books get better coverage and elevated spots on Amazon and that equates to more visibility and more readers. That keeps writers writing the books you enjoy reading. So, if you would be so kind as to leave your review after reading one of my books, I would be grateful. I can tell you that when I get stuck in a story, or I am not having a good day at all… I look back over some reviews and the comments left by readers about my work. They are the shot of adrenaline I need to keep working into the late hours on the next story.

Let’s celebrate Fall, bring on the pumpkins, and curl up in front of the fireplace with a good book… I can name a few for you! LOL

Happy reading,


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